Axit Frohydric - HF - Frohydric Acid

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Tổng quan Axit Frohydric – HF.

Đặc tính: Axit flohiđric là một dung dịch của hydrogen fluoride (HF) trong nước, Cùng với hydrogen fluoride, hydrofluoric acid là một nguồn flo quý giá, là chất tiền thân của nhiều dược phẩm, polymer (ví dụ Teflon), và phần lớn các chất tổng hợp có chứa flo. Người ta biết đến axit này nhiều nhất là khả năng hòa tan kính của nó do axit này tác dụng với SiO2, thành phần chính của kính. Quá trình hòa tan có thể miêu tả như sau:

SiO2(s) + 4HF(aq) → SiF4(g) + 2H2O(l)

SiO2(s) + 6HF(aq) → H2[SiF6](aq) + 2H2O(l)

Bởi tính chất phản ứng mạnh với kính, axit flohidric thường được lưu chứa trong các bình nhựa polyethylene hoặc Teflon. Nó cũng đặc trưng bởi khả năng hòa tan nhiều kim loại và oxit của các á kim.

. Ứng dụng:

Lọc dầu.

Trong một tiêu chuẩn nhà máy lọc dầu quá trình được gọi là ankyl hóa , isobutane Alkylated với trọng lượng phân tử thấp các alkene (chủ yếu là một hỗn hợp của propylen , butylen ) trong sự hiện diện của chất xúc tác acid mạnh có nguồn gốc từ acid HF. Chất xúc tác protonates các alkene (propylen, butylen) để sản xuất carbocations phản ứng , mà alkylate isobutane. Phản ứng này được thực hiện ở nhiệt độ nhẹ (0 và 30 ° C) trong một phản ứng hai giai đoạn.

fluoride trong môi trường, công nghệ thay thế đang được tìm kiếm. Florua vô cơ khác được chuẩn bị từ acid HF bao gồm sodium fluoride và hexafluoride uranium . 

Chất ăn mòn và làm sạch

Khả năng của acid HF để hòa tan các oxit kim loại là cơ sở của một số ứng dụng. Nó loại bỏ các tạp chất oxit từ thép không gỉ, một quá trình được gọi là tẩy, và các tấm wafersilicon trong ngành công nghiệp chất bán dẫn. Về vấn đề này cũng được gọi là BHF, (khi đệm với Fluoride Amoni), và BOE (cho Oxide đệm Etch). Nó là một thành phần quan trọng của Wright Etch và HNA tương tự (HF + Nitric + Acetic Acid) etch. Theo cách tương tự, nó cũng được sử dụng để etch kính . Gel axit 5% đến 9% HF cũng thường được sử dụng để etch tất cả các phục hồi nha khoa gốm để cải thiện liên kết.  Đối với lý do tương tự, pha loãng axít flohiđric là một thành phần của hộ gia đình tẩy vết gỉ và xe rửa"sạch bánh xe" các hợp chất. HF axit tấn công thủy tinh bằng cách phản ứng với silicon dioxide để tạo thành các florua silicon khí hoặc hòa tan trong nước. Quá trình này giải thể tiến hành như sau:

SiO 2 + 4 HF → SIF 4 (g) + 2 H 2 O

SiO 2 + 6 HF → H 2 SIF 6 + 2 H 2 O

Bởi vì khả năng hòa tan oxit sắt cũng như silica-chất gây ô nhiễm, axit HF được sử dụng trước khi vận hành nồi hơi sản xuất hơi nước áp suất cao.

Ứng dụng phá đá

Bởi vì khả năng của mình để hòa tan các oxit, axit HF là hữu ích cho việc giải thể các mẫu đá (thường là bột) trước khi phân tích. Theo cách tương tự, axit này được sử dụng trong macerations axit để trích xuất các hóa thạch hữu cơ từ các loại đá silicat. Fossiliferous đá có thể được nhúng trực tiếp vào acid, hoặc một bộ phim cellulose nitrate có thể được áp dụng (giải thể trong acetate amilic), tuân thủ các thành phần hữu cơ và cho phép đá bị giải thể xung quanh nó. 

Pha loãng axít flohiđric (1-3% khối lượng) được sử dụng trong ngành công nghiệp dầu khí trong hỗn hợp với axit (HCl hoặc acid hữu cơ) để kích thích sản xuất của nước, dầu, và các giếng khí đốt đặc biệt, nơi đá sa thạch được tham gia

Acid HF cũng được sử dụng bởi một số nhà sưu tập các chai thủy tinh cổ để loại bỏ cái gọi là bệnh từ thủy tinh, gây ra bởi axit (thường là trong đất chai được chôn cất tại) tấn công các nội dung soda của kính.

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Whether you are building a new home or buying one that has been around for a long time, flooring will be essential consideration for the interior planning. If you consider the living space taken by the floors in a home, you may realize why floor coverings has a significant influence on your home's cosmetic. It can determine whether a space looks relaxed, high-class, warm, intimate, comfortable, small , or large.

Whether you are a professional or even a homeowner who wants to examine floor for any area, you will realize that obtaining the right floor kind for each room might be overwhelming with a multitude of materials available. Getting realized this, we have put together 12 strategies for choosing the best flooring in most room.

Even though there isn't any one-size-fits-all when choosing the proper floor for your residence, you will realize that distinct tips, like considering what a room to be used for, the location of your residence, your budget, and your model are universal. This informative article looks at these elements and the like, hoping that you will have a much better idea of what will be right for you by the time you go through to the end.

1. Take Hints Out of your Daily Situation
Where to start when considering the flooring type you should go for each room is always to step back and look for your unique situation. What number of rooms do you have at your residence? Who uses every single room? Do you have pets or children, as well as which rooms do they frequent? How often do you clean the floor? What / things you want to spend with each room?

Together with the answers to the above questions, you will be able to see each flooring type and see how their strengths and weaknesses will work out based on your unique situation. For instance, if you have children and pets that spend most of all their time in the existing areas, you may want to match up with a type of floor that may be easier to clean.

Several floors are not suitable for families with contact allergies like asthma or perhaps rhinitis; you may want to be aware when selecting a rug or synthetic surfaces that releases smells that can worsen asthma.

If the room will probably be used by seniors, you really should consider slip level of resistance, comfort, and shock reducing (in the event of an fall). You would should also ensure that your flooring option allows aids, such as walking frames, crutches, and wheelchairs, heading easily. Preferable alternatives for such rooms consist of carpet and rubberized. You would want to steer clear of hard materials just like natural stone.

2. Think about the Location of your abode

Consider the Location of your property
Writing for the sites that provide tips to firm, TheBalancesmb. com, Erin Eberlin, advises this “the area of the land in which your property is located can also have an impact within the best type of floors to use. ” Eberlin continues: “In areas that are hot all year round and those with a wide range of humidity, tile can often be preferred over hard wood or carpet. ”

Apart from the property's location, you will also need to think of each room's place in the property. For example , there will be more traffic in your house entrance than certainly is the case in an hierdoor suite bathroom. Therefore you may want to consider flooring in such an area instead of carpet or wood.

3. Keep the Long term Value of Your house planned
As a homeowner, one of several factors that you will always need to keep in mind is your property's value. Many people want to get the best discount possible if they choose to sell their property at a later date. Therefore , you will need to make sure that you select floors which will make your house seem more expensive and easy for future home potential buyers.

In an article publicized by the news website USAToday. com, Samuel Weigley cites records from the National Association of Realtors. They reports that “Some 25% of potential buyers under the age of 35, and 28% of these between 35 and also 54, considered hard wood floors ‘very important’ when looking for a home. ” Weigley reports that homebuyers are willing to pay out $2, 080 for a home with this kind of floor.

4. Pick out Flooring Based on Bedroom Function
As much as you think about a room's feature before you furnish it, you will need to determine how floors in each room will impact which room's activities.

For instance , you are likely to spend a lot of time standing when you are with the food prep, possibly getting the floors oily. Therefore , you might like to select a flooring kind for the kitchen that is definitely non-slip or better to clean. Various types like vinyl, laminate, or maybe tile would be appropriate.

Let’s look briefly at the main bedrooms in a home and also pair them with the best flooring options for their own functions.

Kitchen: Consider safety, cleaning, as well as kitchen traffic and go with vinyl, laminate, and ceramic porcelain tile.

Family living rooms: The family living rooms will be some of the most popular places in your home for both your along with guests. The most popular forms of flooring in family members living rooms in contemporary homes, as determined by ConsumerReports. org, are solid wood in addition to engineered wood. Carpet is still a popular selection because it’s hot and inviting.

Bedrooms: Each family member may spend a considerable amount of moment sleeping, working, or even relaxing in their sleeping quarters. Carpeting is the best option for this room as you will be spending many your time barefooted. Wood, laminate, and softtop are also great options intended for bedrooms.

Kid’s playroom: The floor in the children's playroom is likely to take much abuse; thus, it needs to be long-lasting while remaining comfy. This is why rubber floor coverings comes to mind if we think about this room.

Porte, mudrooms, and doorways: The floors during these spaces will be used by almost everyone who gets to your home; therefore , you should have something durable but nonetheless beautiful. Consider porcelain tile flooring, mainly ceramic and porcelain, because tiles are strong and easier to clean. Natural stone will even work well in this area.

Bathing rooms: An average human being can spend around 416 days of their living in a bathroom (translating to over 23 mins a day); for that reason the bathroom should have a new durable and beautiful floor. Some of the best mosaic glass for this room include things like clay, stone, linen vinyl, and linoleum.

Home office: With many men and women increasingly working from home, this room is getting more attention. Thus, the bottom in this space needs to be durable, practical, and comfortable. Consider carpet, wood, ceramic tile vinyl, and laminate because of it.

5. Keep Your Character in Mind
Some people wish to radiate warmth in line with their characters, yet others want to come across seeing that serious. Your home, or maybe rooms in your home, can often show your personality. As an illustration, someone who wants to present a connection with mother nature may want to go with solid wood or stone. But, someone looking for a more contemporary look may want sleek finish porcelain.

6. Choose a Color Good Mood you Want to Develop
Distinct colors generate different atmospheres and also moods in a room. For instance, selecting reddish colored flooring can make a area feel cozy. Still, you would want to keep away from this color in the bedroom because it’s stirring. However , if you wanted to choose a flooring coloring for a child's sleeping quarters, you may want to go with something bright and bold.

The color of your flooring can also be a statement with regards to your personality. For instance, a much more outgoing person should go with bright hues like yellow, when a more reserved particular person may want something more dark or green. Therefore , you will want to consider the everyone of different members of your family before you identify the type or colour of flooring to put in their room.

7. Observe the Trends

See the Trends
Just as much as you decide what to don based on the fashion trends of a given time, your home will also need to to help change. For instance, new technologies are approaching all the time. Flooring that could have been a bad thing in bathrooms about ten years ago may now be fitted to use in these rooms. This is because technology has produced such flooring less hazardous or more water-resistant.

Among the a trend which some people consider when buying anything now is regardless of if the product is environmentally friendly. If you fall into this category, you really should look for natural and also recyclable flooring choices like cork or even bamboo flooring.

8. Seek Consistency
If you decide to use different floors options in your home, you should want to ensure that your household has a continuous flow when looked at as a complete. If you don't plan this kind of correctly, the different surfaces options will create a good eyesore. This is the reason exactly why we advise homeowners to follow the 'Less than Three' Rule, which stipulates that you can not have more than several kinds of materials every floor in a household.

Look at the other products in the room before you accept a flooring solution. For example , the color of the room's furniture, often the lighting, or the vegetation in a room can determine whether you go along with something more contemporary including glossy finish porcelain or hardwood.

9. Be sure you Can Connect with Installation Requirements
Are you currently planning to hire an experienced to install your floors, or do you want to make that a DIY job? If you plan to do it oneself, you will need to ensure that you opt for a flooring option you are sure of how to work with. Persons will likely see if a job has been done by a person who doesn’t have the capabilities.

Laminate and built flooring are considered the least complicated type of floor to get DIY. However , you have got to ensure that you have the correct tools and assistance you need to do a job you will end up proud of.

In case you decide on a professional's abilities, you would want to make sure that there are skilled folks where you live to do a right job. If you stay in a remote place, you may discover that only a few people can do any flooring type. So , you may want to choose a choice that you can easily find someone to come and install for you.

10. Focus on Maintenance

Consider Maintenance
Some floors options, like tiles, can be cleaned without difficulty, while some, like carpeting, will require more work once in a while to maintain. Likewise, some wooden flooring may need to be sanded and varnished here and there. If you don't want to be concerned with all these things, you may want to consider something that desires less maintenance, such as stone or ceramic tiles.

11. Decide for how Long you Want to Keep the Ground
If you renovate the house often , your floor coverings choices may differ through someone who wants to keep same look for a lengthy period. For example , you might like to attract tenants in your property by giving an answer to trends in the surfaces market. This would indicate changing your flooring design more often.

Durability might not be a factor if you know you change the flooring inside a room after a comparatively. You may also want to select a floor option that will be much easier to remove, like a carpet.

If you want to keep the floors for a long time, you’ll desire to ensure that your flooring selection is resilient. Linen vinyl, natural rock, ceramic, and porcelain will be your best option nearby plan to change your surfaces soon.

12. Think about the Budget
Some options, like marble and also granite, can be quite costly, with installation easily costing up to $3, 000 for an normal home. Apart from the setting up, you would also want to look at the cost of keeping the flooring in the best situation. For example , wooden flooring may require more maintenance when compared to ceramic tiles. Floor coverings may be cheaper nevertheless require more work to clean.

It is, therefore , essential to start by selecting what you would like to expend. Knowing what you want to pay will ensure that you don't wind up going over budget when choosing your preferred flooring solution.

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ArthurMof, 23.03.2022

Халаты и сорочки - женская домашняя одежда обязана радовать. - здесь подобраны европейские модели, ткани из хлопка и вискозы, большие и маленькие размеры.
Кем бы вы ни были, в кругу семь и друзей вы желаете чтоб вам было тепло и комфортно. Выбор падет на плюшевая пижама или халатик в прохладную погоду. В этом интернет-магазине женской домашней одежды купите больших и маленьких размеров сорочки, халаты и пижамы, современного дизайна и кроя. Женская одежда для дома подарит чувство тепла и спокойствия. В каталоге лучшие европейские производители, изделия скроены из лучших тканей имея большой спектр мерок и расцветок - с длинными рукавами и каскадным орнаментом, из хлопковой нити.
vinegretScabe, 23.03.2022
Интернет-магазин «Винегрет» оптом поставляет свежие фрукты, овощи и зелень в Москве. Компания обеспечивает свежей и качественной продукцией кафе, рестораны, гостиницы, а также другие заведения общепита и торговые точки. Продукты доставляются в частные дома и квартиры в пределах Москвы, а также в ближайшие районы. На сайте (фруктовые корзины ) можно ознакомиться с ассортиментом продукции, выбрать товары и оформить заказ в онлайн-режиме в любое время.

Что можно заказать в интернет-магазине «Винегрет»:

- овощи – в наличии разные сорта помидоров, огурцов, сладкий и острый перец, молодой картофель, батат, лук, чеснок, баклажаны, богатые витаминами, минеральными веществами и пищевыми волокнами;
- зелень – собранные в пучки петрушка, руккола, базилик, спаржа, лук-порей, мята, а также наборы разной зелени;
- соленья – квашеная капуста, соленые помидоры и огурцы, салат из морской капусты;
- фрукты – разные сорта мандаринов, столовый и винный виноград, сочная хурма, груши, яблоки, а также разнообразные экзотические фрукты;
- ягоды – клубника, голубика, ежевика, красная и черная смородина, клюква, арбузы и дыни;
- фруктовые корзины – можно собрать наборы из определенных видов фруктов, с конфетами и шоколадом – отличный вариант подарка для близких, друзей и коллег.

«Винегрет» является надежным поставщиком овощей, фруктов, свежей зелени в столице и Подмосковье. Магазин предлагает более 300 наименований продуктов, которые доставляются в кафе, рестораны, отели, торговые точки в пределах Москвы. В каталоге указаны актуальные цены на все виды товаров, для заказа достаточно выбрать необходимые продукты, добавить в «Корзину» и оформить заявку. Чтобы начать сотрудничество и получить консультацию, обращайтесь по указанному на сайте номеру.
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